EMPREZZ : Improving the quality if life for children and adolescents \ (0-25) using a multi dimensional approach.
Emprezz works with the most marginalised youth across a continuum of needs.
Emprezz creates Inspirational sessions for youth in Juvenile Centers, tours Early Childhood, Primary and High schools as a motivational speaker and programme facilitator. She lends emotional support for girls & boys encouraging them to SPEAK OUT against & about sexual abuse. Emprezz uses the needs assessment and voice of the youth she encounters to refer, assist and connect corporate and social entities providing opportunities for youth to continue their education, become a success story and leaders in their communities.
Emprezz creates Inspirational sessions for youth in Juvenile Centers, tours Early Childhood, Primary and High schools as a motivational speaker and programme facilitator. She lends emotional support for girls & boys encouraging them to SPEAK OUT against & about sexual abuse. Emprezz uses the needs assessment and voice of the youth she encounters to refer, assist and connect corporate and social entities providing opportunities for youth to continue their education, become a success story and leaders in their communities.